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Good News




IRS Layoffs: What It Means For You

IRS Layoffs: What It Means For You

We have a new administration and one of the changes was to lay off about 6,000 IRS collection officers. What does this mean to you? First of all, collection will continue. So, if you owe the IRS, don’t think it is going away. The IRS will continue to pursue you....
Why You Should File Your Taxes On Time

Why You Should File Your Taxes On Time

Make sure you file your taxes timely. If you do not you are on the IRS radar, and they start collection action against you. They will send you letters which should not be ignored. The problem just doesn’t go away until you file your taxes.  Please be sure you file an...
Why Was My OIC Returned?

Why Was My OIC Returned?

You have no doubt heard the news online about the IRS fresh start program. The fresh start program is basically misleading advertising.  You owe the IRS a considerable sum and do not have the money to pay the IRS in full right now, so you decided to file your own...
How to Appeal an OIC (Offer in Compromise)

How to Appeal an OIC (Offer in Compromise)

This is not something you should try to do yourself. The reason is the IRS is trained to deny all appeals and protest letters. The IRS rep you speak to will gather information and use it against you. The IRS goal is to never reduce any amount you owe or give you any...