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What To Do When the IRS Refuses To Play Ball
What To Do When the IRS Refuses To Play Ball You have accumulated tax debt, and you are...
What is a Revenue Officer?
What is a Revenue Officer? What is a revenue officer? This is when you owe the IRS, and...

What is a Revenue Officer?
What is a Revenue Officer? What is a revenue officer? This is when you owe the IRS, and the IRS has decided to get tough with you. The first step is...
IRS Latest Debt Collection Tactics
The IRS has hired 80,000 new agents. Many of these new agents are working collection cases. The new agents are untrained and unsupervised....
Why You Should Always Report Your Income
We may feel that if we do a cash sale, we really do not have to report it on our income tax return. We may feel the IRS will have no real chance of...
The Different Types of IRS Tax Scams
Scams are everywhere these days! You get random emails and phone calls from scammers trying to steal your identity or your money! Unfortunately,...
What is Reasonable Compensation for an S Corp?
So, you got tired of being a Schedule C sole proprietor and paying all that self-employment tax! So, you formed an S Corporation and now you have no...
What is an IRS IP PIN?
The IRS has instituted a new tactic to add to your confusion and pressure. The IRS is sending out special IP PIN numbers to specific taxpayers. You...
What is an IRS Cap Appeal?
If you received one of those CP504B threatening to levy your bank account and if you manage to read through it, it says in the letter you can file a...