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Elevated IRS Issues
What can your representative do if you have reached a dead end with the IRS, and they...
Navigating the Complex World of Cryptocurrency: Taxation Tips and Why Professional Guidance is Key
Crypto is getting bigger and bigger. As of 2022 BitCoin along with several other...
Elevated IRS Issues
What can your representative do if you have reached a dead end with the IRS, and they won’t back down or compromise? A qualified tax resolution...
How Much Should You Set Aside For Taxes to Avoid Penalties?
Do you like paying tax penalties? If you do not pay in 90% of what you owe by April 15 the IRS simply charges you an estimated tax payment penalty....
What to do if You Get a Bogus IRS Letter
You get a collection letter from the IRS, but it doesn’t seem right. What do you do now? The worst thing you can do is call the IRS. The IRS...
IRS High Income Tax Payers
The IRS and their new 80,000 untrained and unsupervised representatives have a new goal. The goal is high income taxpayers. The IRS definition of...
What Can I Do If I Get A Notice From ACS?
What can I do if I get a notice from ACS? This is usually an IRS letter and a demand for payment with a 1-800 number to call. Please keep in mind...
Revenue Officer Called, What Should I Do Now?
What can I do if I get a notice or a phone call from a Revenue Officer? Please keep in mind the reason the Revenue Officer wants to collect money...
What Are Your IRS Negotiation Options?
What Are My IRS Negotiation Options? You owe money to the IRS. What can you do? There are several possible solutions. Offer in Compromise...