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IRS Notices: What do I do?

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January 18, 2024
notice letter from IRS

IRS Notices: What Do I Do?

OK, you got an IRS notice in the mail. There are lots of codes they use like CP 504, CP 2000, LT511, CP 503, CP 501 and so on. 

The important thing here is not to ignore the notice. We know it is frightening and you want to just throw it away. However, that is not what you should do at this point. It will only make matters worse. You received the notice generally via a computer and it indicates the IRS thinks you owe them money.

business man discussing tax levy

For example, let’s take a CP 2000. The CP 2000 is basically your opportunity to dispute what the IRS says you owe. Generally, you are given 30 days to handle this. This is not something you should do yourself! You should bring the notice to a competent Tax Resolution Specialist immediately and have the Tax Resolution Specialist prepare a reply. This is a complex matter, and it must be done correctly. If you do not respond in a timely manner the IRS will disallow your response and assess the tax. This will severely limit your options at this point.

How about a CP 504? This is very serious as the IRS is getting ready to levy at this point. This letter also has a time frame attached to it. This is another notice you should not throw away. If you do, the problem will only get worse. You need to take the notice to a competent Tax Resolution Specialist immediately so it can be dealt with. 

Basically, the IRS is a big giant collection agency.

The IRS revenue officers, and revenue agents are getting paid to collect monies for the government. The notices can at times be incorrect, especially the CP 2000s. If a competent Tax Resolution Specialist can prove the notice is in error the IRS will by law, make an adjustment. 

However, if you have made money, you may owe the tax. So rather than lose sleep about it consult a qualified Tax Resolution Specialist. So, give us a call at 360-623-1375 and we can help you. 

You need qualified representation and Philip Garnett Tax Resolution is highly experienced at dealing with the IRS. We are a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist, and this is your best plan is to hire someone to help you with the proper credentials. 

Sometimes we can get the notice amount reduced under certain circumstances. There are various ways to do this.  So don’t handle this yourself. Contact us today, give us a call at 360-623-1375!

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