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IRS Notices: What do I do?

IRS Notices: What do I do?

IRS Notices: What Do I Do? OK, you got an IRS notice in the mail. There are lots of codes they use like CP 504, CP 2000, LT511, CP 503, CP 501 and so on.  The important thing here is not to ignore the notice. We know it is frightening and you want to just throw it...
Tax Levy: What Should I Do?

Tax Levy: What Should I Do?

Tax Levy – Notice of Intent, What Do I Do? What if I get a notice of intent to levy from the IRS?  This is serious business, and it can’t be ignored. The IRS is getting very aggressive now and will certainly levy your bank account or your wages or if self...
Tax Lien: What Should I Do? 

Tax Lien: What Should I Do? 

What can I do if I get a IRS notice of a Tax Lien from the County? Does this mean the IRS is going to take my assets or levy my bank account or my wages?  The simple answer is the tax lien filing means the IRS says you owe money, and this is their way of protecting...
How to Amend a Tax Return for a Prior Year

How to Amend a Tax Return for a Prior Year

Tax returns can often be filed with incomplete or incorrect information, leading you to more tax trouble than you bargained for. If you filed early, you might have overlooked income from a temporary job or a side gig, only to get a 1099 or late W2 for the income...