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Made a Mistake On Your Tax Return?

Made a Mistake On Your Tax Return?

Tax returns can be complicated and tricky to understand. Even for a professional, it can be surprisingly difficult to get every number and detail right.  Often, you only notice the mistakes when you take a casual look at your return days after you submit it...
The Procrastinator’s Guide to Surviving Tax Day

The Procrastinator’s Guide to Surviving Tax Day

If you are a procrastinator, tax filing season is probably the worst time of year. With deadlines looming, filling out all those complicated forms and making sense of an increasingly complex tax code that changes almost every year can seem like an overwhelming task....
Filing Your Taxes When You Know You’ll Owe Money to The IRS

Filing Your Taxes When You Know You’ll Owe Money to The IRS

As we wrap up the year the last thing most people are thinking about is their taxes. But planning ahead can have a serious impact on your tax bill next year, especially if you know you’ll owe taxes. In this article, we’ll talk about some steps you must take if you...